Post A Scam
Scam: #17286

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 03/09/2014
  • Severity: 10

Explosive Media Inc

Rip off Explosive Media Inc

Oceanside, New York, 11572

In July 2012, I went to Donovan Media to do search engine optimization (SEO) for two websites. I already had one site active on the web that Tom Donovan told me was no good and needed to be redone. Keep in mind, that i was already recieving two to three phone calls a month from. A second site needed to be created for a new therapist's office. After agreeing on a fee for the creation of the two sites and our monthly fee for the SEO work, we got started. Both sites where launched in the beginning of August 2012. Seven months later we have not recieved one phone call, or one email from either site. Keep in mind after seven months and several requests the contact function on the sight never worked. Donovan Media AKA The Web Leader was paid in full for both sites as soon as they where completed in August. Then the monthly fees started, several months we were billed improperly and one month we where charged $5,000.00 on our credit card. If i did not dispute it and say something, I would have been over billed. Their response was that it was the secretary's error.

They also, without written consent, started billing my other company's credit card due to a issue with the first card. Every few weeks, I would call the office to see why there was no response to the sites. Noone in the company was familiar with our sites and in seven months they went through three SEO techs that I know of.

Seven months later and loosing a lot of money, I requested that my site info go to another provider. Their response was "NO, I cannot have the passwords and info to take my sites", that I paid in full for. I also had my two sites evaluated by a third party that had no benefit in providing me with this information. Their conclusion - that over the past seven months they have done no SEO work on the sites, so i have been paying alot of money for nothing.

I tried approaching them a civilized manner regarding a solution to this matter. Tom's response to me was that they can't figure out how Googles new coding works and that the results I wanted, I needed to pay him $2000.00 a month to get. That was not what our contract stated. I am fully aware that SEO takes 2-3 months to start working, but seven months later with no calls and no emails - something is wrong. This company was recommended to me by someone. I should have never given them my business. It took the owner seven months to call me and the only reason was because I disputed his fees on my credit card. Now, with thousands of dollars lost, he took my two sites down off the web without my permission and he refuses to give me the passwords. Again I paid in full for both sites, so why wont he give me the Info. He had links off of our site of all of his clients. Some of those clients were are competitors and one was an adult novelty store. This is not the way I wish to present myself to my clients. In addition, he took the websites down and put up a message to call Donovan media due to billing issues. So now, this is what is displayed if anyone should view the websites. Insult on top of injury, not only have they taken my money and not provided the services agreed upon, but they are trying to ruin our company names!


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